Friday, October 29, 2010

The end of a spooky era

So it's pretty obvious I love Halloween. What's Halloween without the SAW movies?

I don't care much for the horror movies, mostly because I'm a giant wuss. But there's something about the SAW movies that get to me. From the first installment I have been fascinated by the characters and plot lines--they're so well-crafted!

My friend Michelle is the only other person I know who likes the series as much as I do. We went with a group of friends to see the first SAW and after that no one else would brave it. Since then, Michelle and I have seen ever other SAW movie together, in the theater, on opening weekend.

Tonight the final installment opened--SAW 7 in 3D:


Michelle and I have a method when watching the movies. We hold onto each other and grimace at the screen, occasionally mumbling "Why are we doing this to ourselves?!" It's so scary, but we NEED to see them. Tradition is important.

Sweet 3D shades!
The final movie in the series didn't disappoint and the 3D just added to the gross-out factor.

I'm sort of sad the movies have come to an end, but I'm not sure my heart could take anymore.

Oh and P.S.--I don't recommend going at 10:00 pm on a weeknight. Otherwise you'll be up at 12:30 in the morning writing blog posts and pretending you're too old to be afraid of the dark.
SAW image found here

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