Thursday, August 30, 2012

Duck Falls

Yesterday Mike gave Brooksy his first bath.

That's not to say it was his first ever bath; we've just never given him one at home.

He got one when he had his nails clipped and I count all the dips into the various bodies of water we've visited as baths.

We were under the impression that labs weren't supposed to be washed more than once  or twice a year, but our vet corrected us on B's last visit. Mike sent me a text yesterday asking if I minded missing his first bath. I told him no and wished him luck. A while later I got this text:

"Well the bath went about as well as I expected but he likes his new after bath duck."

I laughed and sent back "Hopefully that duck will still be in one piece when I get home."

5 minutes later:

"Judging by the holes…….no."

Chew toys don't last long in our house unless Kong makes them, and even then we have to buy the deluxe brand. Brooksy loves those toys that jingle, shake and squeak but I'll be damned if he doesn't have those things torn apart in a matter of 15 minutes.

This one lasted about 20 minutes before Mike had to call it quits.

RIP duck.

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