They replaced the hard drive and sent it back with lightening speed. Of course I lost all my files but it’s a small price to pay. And no more sharing a laptop between the two of us! That was getting old.
Mike and I visited a new happy hour the other night: Shackelfords.
We like to try the places in our neighborhood and this one was only 30 seconds away. On the menu…oysters!
I can’t remember ever having an oyster so I agreed to give them a whirl. They looked slimy and I’m weird about textures. But they were good! I liked them with hot sauce. I wasn’t even eating meat a year ago and now I’m eating raw oysters. Look at me go.
We also tried the crab and gouda dip which was sinfully delicious:
I love happy hour!
I may have to go there just for the dip! Yum!